Automatic feature selection for Horde

I think that fractal clustering could be used to cluster data streams of electricity data.

What about distributed clustering algorithms?  So, we have massive data streams from different parts of the grid coming in to their respective hubs.  How do you make sense of the whole?  I think fractal clustering would work here.  I believe that the data would be self-similar enough to warrant such an algorithm.

Using the Fractal Dimension to Cluster Datasets 

Fast Feature Selection using Fractal Dimension (another interesting paper).  This one made think that maybe it would be possible for Horde to automatically select the correct features to be using to make its decisions on.  This would be extremely useful, however highly unlikely that it would work with the few examples it is currently classifying on.  I think that in order for automatic feature selection it would need a live stream of the features and “spike” the features on transitions between behaviors.  I would then be able to continue doing horde as normal but would base my decision tree off of the new feature set.

Would this also be useful in creating the hierarchies?  I think so.  I will have to think a bit more about this aspect.