I’d like to make a world heat map of the riots going on. Doing a quick google search didn’t get me any results of such an app. I was thinking about riots because of somewhat of a long story. There is a podcast that I listen to called The White Vault, that has a voice actor that lives in Chile. Now recently the podcast had to postpone an episode because there was a riot going on in Chile and it was unsafe for the voice actor to make it into the studio to record. This got me curios about riots.
There are many questions I have about riots. How do they form, what is the root cause, what are the initial conditions, how do governments handle them? How useful are they for bringing about real change? What sort of metrics and data can we collect to answer these questions? Can we then use this collected data in order to predict when riots will form? Riots are interesting and seemingly most of the world experiences them.
But, for the heatmap, I think initially the heat should be based on the number of news articles. Make another map that is based on NLP extraction of the number of deaths/money/etc that shows how actually bad the thing is.
Could look into doing it using javascript sort of like:
But, really i’d like to also link to the list of the news articles/outlets etc.
I know d3 is pretty complex but maybe something like:
where maybe the connectors would be the country that was reporting on the riot.