In the future the robots that are being used will most likely be common enough that anyone could purchase one and given enough knowledge infiltrate a system of robots. Currently the level of security in task allocation methods for robots is like that of communication of localization data between large ships, nonexistent. Methods for attack:
1. Steal a robot already being used either physically or remote hijacking
2. Wifi comm interference device (take out communication)
3. Plant an identical robot in the group. Requires the ability of the robot to quickly integrate an become part of the group. Once involved reconnaissance and
4. Mirroring (man in the middle), essentially take control of the entire swarm and provide limited, looped or custom access/control to legal owners.
I’m sure there are many more. These are the first four that came to mind. I know that this is not something that needs to happen right now, but it is something that needs to be considered as more and more people and institutions start using robots. Just as people hack smart phones and regular computers there will be even more incentive to hack and infiltrate robots.
So, how would you go about securing robots? This seems like a very tough problem without constant surveillance to notify you of such things. But then who watches the watchers as they like to say…