Some n-puzzle ideas:
- Create an n-dimensional n-puzzle. This is different from a rubiks cube because it is a sliding puzzle not a sequential move puzzle. It is sort of like the last puzzle here called the Inside out puzzle by Vadász Kocka, it is of course only 3D not nD.
- Figure out how to reduce nD n-puzzle to 1D n-puzzle (meaning make a new set of rules for how the pieces move and in a way that eliminates symmetric moves)
- The number of ways to solve an n-puzzle is in #P (find proof)
- Can any unsolvable n-puzzle be solved with some number of flips and rotations to the board itself?
- What would it mean to have a fractional dimensional-puzzle like a 1/2d n-puzzle? How could you move?
- What if the puzzle is represented as a graph. Then you can represent it as an adjacency matrix and do math (haha).
I found the paper that proves that n-puzzle is NP-hard here. Also, I found some papers that cite that paper that I thought sounded interesting:
- Optimal Pebble Motion on a Tree
- Learning Admissible Heuristics while Solving Problems
- On Sliding Block Puzzles
- Wooden Geometric Puzzles: Design and Hardness Proofs
- Restricting Moves When Solving the NxP-Puzzle
In writing this I found an amazing source of puzzles here. It is an index of over 34,000 puzzles!
So, I think that the most interesting of the ideas is 4. The dimensional aspect I think is a direct mapping of the space and therefore not too interesting. The fact that it is in #P is sort of interesting but kind of obvious and not really useful. The interesting thing with that one would be if it was somehow either harder or easier than #P.
So, number 4 is interesting because it is a new way of looking at the board. However, I believe the answer is yes. According to the 5th link the number of possible board states is (N*P)! and half of them are not solvable.