The main issue is that of white on white which I can’t seem to get past other than extreme changes to the color as described in an earlier post. Probably, if that turns out to be a thing that would just be applied if I couldn’t see any posts and only if I believed that I probably would be looking toward the goal posts anyway.
First do the most obvious a houghp and maybe try a contour to try and get the goal posts etc. Also, use the fact that there is a horizon and that I only need to see the goal, ball and lines. I don’t need to really see the field. If I don’t see lines, goal, ball then it really doesn’t matter if I see green for a field. So, a houghp and reasonable settings should get the field lines, goal posts and the ball as long as the horizon is used correctly.
A big problem with the ball and the field lines is that they are both white and that with other robots obstructing the ball from view. This probably won’t be a problem in the competition, but it is for the goalie. So, I think we will need to add some logic. Like assume ball if not “line like” meaning it doesn’t extend.