Gaussian Surface to calculate the flux of swarms

If we have a physical swarm (not the general swarm).  We could use a Gaussian surface to calculate the flux of the individuals.  Could this be part of the general swarm calculus.  If we defined the domain using features other than distance?  A more general type of Gaussian surface?

Could this be applied to any types of systems.  What useful things could we say then using this info?  Could we model coordination using the ideas of the flow of (simplified idea of) electrons in a wire?

Combine this with the idea of how to model coordination.  Could we then model the general swarm?

Future: year 2213

Combine augmented reality, nano robot swarms and mind-device communication.  So the idea is you first imagine a structure.  This imagined structure is displayed (could be on glasses contact lens etc), augmenting reality.  Using the image you can then improve and change the design.  Could use your hands to manipulate it or just use your thoughts which ever is easier.  The nano robots can then form the imagined structure.  You could then store useful structures for later use and the system could learn to predict and suggest new structures based on your preferences and behavior.

You all knew I am a bit crazy ;).

Thoughts on old research question

Back in undergrad (July 2010!) my professor, Dr. Babcock, posed the following question in order to help expand my narrow focus:

The really interesting question is how does making the individual rules more complex affect the aggregate behavior patterns (or does the society no longer have patterns).

As I am studying MAL, swarms and emergence I am thoroughly intrigued with this idea.  I am hoping that with a better mathematical framework for understanding emergence and swarms I can formulate an answer.

Based on nature patterns generally emerge from either coordination or cooperation.  So, a better question might be can coordination and cooperation be so far abstracted due to the complexity of the rules that aggregate behavior patterns do not emerge?  Then at that point we may still observe emergent behavior only due to some more complex social notion.  So, what is it and how can we observe it :).


*On a side note: Since I found that email, I noticed the date I sent, July 2 2010, and he replied July 6 2010.  I really had a cool professor to take his time to reply even around July 4.