Gaussian Surface to calculate the flux of swarms

If we have a physical swarm (not the general swarm).  We could use a Gaussian surface to calculate the flux of the individuals.  Could this be part of the general swarm calculus.  If we defined the domain using features other than distance?  A more general type of Gaussian surface?

Could this be applied to any types of systems.  What useful things could we say then using this info?  Could we model coordination using the ideas of the flow of (simplified idea of) electrons in a wire?

Combine this with the idea of how to model coordination.  Could we then model the general swarm?

Characterization of the Culture of Swarms

One of my goals over the winter break was to determine a good paper idea that had a lot of math and that would move the field of large multiagent learning systems forward.
Our contributions would be:

1. Alternative shapley value formula for swarms
2. Integration of the swarm value with k-order additive fuzzy measure theory
3. Solving the inverse problem to determine if a large system of agents is a swarm
4. Using the information to create autonomous hybrid swarm/multiagent learning environments


However, we might determine that the amount of work might be too much for one paper.