Innovation and learning seemed to develop more quickly with a larger population. Like comparing europe to the native americans. So I think that it would be wise to try to see how large groups of agents who were grouped doing different tasks whether innovation would emerge.
Like have a huge “soup” of agents and have different goals for different populations of agents. Will those with similar goals learn to cooperate.
If we limit resources will innovation emerge by having different populations cooperating to create a hirarchy to accomplish their respective goals?
Essentially, when a large population with differing goals but limited by the same resources will they learn to innovate in order to accomplish their goal or will they fail.
In the macro the micro complex actions apear to be simple effects. So, in essence we have a swarm.
Start listing of large multi agent systems that might also be swarms:
traffic networks including internet, cars, planes, and any other type of transportation routing.
learning in multi agent systems when others don’t learn?