
This is totally awesome!!  One of my ideas is becoming an app soon.  They just started and are trying to get funding through kickstarter https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1190241008/warblr-an-app-that-recognises-birds-from-their-son?ref=nav_search.  They seem to have a lot of media support and there app seems to work!  Totally awesome.

Fast Company did an article about it http://www.fastcoexist.com/3037817/fund-this/the-original-tweeting-this-app-is-like-shazam-for-bird-songs.

https://drewsblog.herokuapp.com/?p=1741 my original post on my idea which essentially Warblr.  So, cool.  Can’t wait to try it out.  I’ll have to follow this and see how they do.